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What is an E-2 Visa?

What Is an E-2 Visa?

An E-2 Visa allows people from certain countries with an investment treaty with the USA to temporarily (see below for more information) live and work in the United States if they make a "substantial"  cash investment in an existing or new business in the USA, like an IPG property management franchise.

What Is Considered a Substantial Investment?

While there is no offical minimum investment amount specified, a general guideline is right around $100,000, depending on the type of business you plan to buy or start. The more you invest, the better the odds are that you will receive an E-2 Visa.

What Kind of Business Do I Need to Get an E-2 Visa?

Any bona-fide business that  not only supports you and your family but also generates a profit and create jobs.

How long does an E-2 Visa last?

Upon receiving an E-2 Visa, you can temporarily stay in the USA for up to 2 years. You can then apply for an extension that lasts an additional 2 years. There are no limits on the number extensions you can get.

Who can come with you on an E-2 Visa?

You can bring your dependents (husband/wife and unmarried children) who are under the age of 21.

Do I need to start a brand new business or buy an existing business/franchise to apply for the E-2 visa?

Either. However, buying an existing business or franchise, in our opinion, is better. This is because an existing business or franchise, like an IPG property management franchise, has been around for many years, which is proof that the business/franchise works and produces revenue to keep it sustained.

Where do I get the money to invest in my E-2 business?

Multiple sources are allowed, such as: home equity loans, gifts from family, personal savings, and a Small Business Administration (SBA) 504 loan.

Do I need relevant business experience to qualify for an E-2 visa?

For an E-2 Visa, no. However, it certainly can help. That being said, with an IPG property management franchise, we already have the knowhow and training necessary to run a property management franchise.

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